The nervous system, which helps to run the circulatory system, works as the plumbing and electrical (wiring) system of the body. This system makes up two parts: one that the body controls and knows, which includes the movement and function of the brain and spinal cord, and another that is automatic, which really controls and regulates the body in response to the surrounding environment.
Excess Adrenaline
This hormone is secreted during the flight, fight, or freeze response to help adapt to stress. However, it can be toxic if excessively produced.
Excess Cortisol
Cortisol is secreted for the same reason as adrenaline. In excess, this chemical can be toxic and thus wears down the body as well as other systems.
Brain Toxins
With increased microcirculation, toxins in the brain can be flushed out. This can cause normalization and self-regulation of numerous processes.
This hormone is secreted during the flight, fight, or freeze response to help adapt to stress. However, it can be toxic if excessively produced.
Excess Cortisol
Cortisol is secreted for the same reason as adrenaline. In excess, this chemical can be toxic and thus wears down the body as well as other systems.
Brain Toxins
With increased microcirculation, toxins in the brain can be flushed out. This can cause normalization and self-regulation of numerous processes.
A lot of factors within the Nervous system can short circuit one’s thinking process. This is especially true when the automatic part of the nervous system is active, which includes the fight or flight mode to help the body deal with stress. During this response, the body instinctively knows what to do: raise regulatory rates and increase amounts of adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones normally help the body adapt to stress when the sympathetic nervous system gets activated during flight, fight, or freeze. But, when one is stuck in this response, excess amounts of these chemicals can cause this response to be ongoing and thus be toxic for all bodily systems. As a result, those who go without regulation through microcirculation may be at more risk of getting ill due to its effects on theimmune system.
The nervous system also connects to other muscles, organs, and tissues in order to send signals throughout the body. In this way, the nervous system acts as acentral communication system. In fact, when in a fight or flight response, the nervous system naturally influences the Circulatory system to divert blood to different parts of the body such as the heart, lungs, and muscles. Although initially the body activates the brain to think very clearly under stress, brain function ultimately suffers with less blood flow. This is why it’s common to forget things while under stress, such as memory, mental acuity, thought processes, and focus.
The nervous system also connects to other muscles, organs, and tissues in order to send signals throughout the body. In this way, the nervous system acts as acentral communication system. In fact, when in a fight or flight response, the nervous system naturally influences the Circulatory system to divert blood to different parts of the body such as the heart, lungs, and muscles. Although initially the body activates the brain to think very clearly under stress, brain function ultimately suffers with less blood flow. This is why it’s common to forget things while under stress, such as memory, mental acuity, thought processes, and focus.
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