In this fast pace environment where schools are now using iPads as tools for learning, it is paramount that parents and teachers make smart decisions on how to guide their children’s use of media and technology. Technology and curriculums that support learning skills are valuable assets when combined with strategic plans for their use. When we are looking at media in conjunction with learning and relationships, one concern is the opportunity cost due to the limited amount of time in a day. By over utilizing media and technology, time for other vital opportunities such as attachment and bonding, social skills, learning, and the development of emotional intelligence are greatly diminished. For many children this can be overwhelming and for a child with learning differences, accumulated stress, or trauma this can be a detrimental cost.
Initially we need to look at what is being watched, the content of the program, and the developmental appropriateness of the educational and social messages underlying the production. As the entrusted gatekeepers for our children’s well-being, it is important that we keep the value of what they are ingesting high. The value of our parentingand our children’s educationstays high by not allowing competing materials that are not in line with the skills or values we want to teach. Where and how the media is watched is critical for our children. It needs to be an essential part of the home where people are interacting with the media and each other at the same time. When it is hidden away in a bedroom this often increases isolation and separation in a family. Resiliency for children is clearly connected to family connection.
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