Relationships grow out of interactions in all arenas of life. They can include partner/marital/or couple relationships, occupational/professional relationships, parent-child relationships, sibling relationships, and family relationships. Because relationships involve people who come from different backgrounds, life perspectives, and values; they are complex and can be the source of great satisfaction or great pain.
Integrative Re-Solutions is used to work with children, adolescents, and adults that have difficulty initiating and maintaining relationships with their peers.
Integrative Re-Solutions is able to train the limbic system, which is involved in one’s emotions and state of being. Integrative Re-Solutions, helps a person pay attention, focus, empathize and be less emotionally reactive in upsetting situations. It can help people to respond more thoughtfully to situations in which they otherwise may react automatically as they adapt to life and relationship challenges.
Integrative Re-Solutions is used to work with children, adolescents, and adults that have difficulty initiating and maintaining relationships with their peers.
Integrative Re-Solutions is able to train the limbic system, which is involved in one’s emotions and state of being. Integrative Re-Solutions, helps a person pay attention, focus, empathize and be less emotionally reactive in upsetting situations. It can help people to respond more thoughtfully to situations in which they otherwise may react automatically as they adapt to life and relationship challenges.
“The more healthy relationships a child has, the more likely he will be to recover from trauma and thrive.
Relationships are the agents of change and the most powerful therapy is human love.” ~Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D.
Building Relationships with Traumatized Children
For a family to maintain harmony, each member needs to be in tune with the others. Often traumatized children including foster and adoptive children are not even singing the same song. These children need specific skills in communication and empathy taught in a way they can learn. Our therapeutic team will use music, song, dance and movement to incorporate and transform their challenging emotions and conflicts into healthy self-expression and peaceful co-existence. Through healthy personal relationships with others, children can find their own internal peace and strength. Nurtured from within, children will develop skills of empathy, understanding and cooperation.
The mission of this program is to empower children to move beyond their trauma and attachment patterns to realize their potential, their connection to others, and their ability to function successfully in a family. Our purpose is to support these children to find peace and strength within and harmony with others. Our goal is to foster the growth of personal and interpersonal relationship skills in a caring, inclusive learning environment.
For a family to maintain harmony, each member needs to be in tune with the others. Often traumatized children including foster and adoptive children are not even singing the same song. These children need specific skills in communication and empathy taught in a way they can learn. Our therapeutic team will use music, song, dance and movement to incorporate and transform their challenging emotions and conflicts into healthy self-expression and peaceful co-existence. Through healthy personal relationships with others, children can find their own internal peace and strength. Nurtured from within, children will develop skills of empathy, understanding and cooperation.
The mission of this program is to empower children to move beyond their trauma and attachment patterns to realize their potential, their connection to others, and their ability to function successfully in a family. Our purpose is to support these children to find peace and strength within and harmony with others. Our goal is to foster the growth of personal and interpersonal relationship skills in a caring, inclusive learning environment.
Integrative Re-Solutions Case Studies - Relationships
10 year old boy, severe trauma and abuse
Before: Difficulty interacting with others, Hid behind mother and always in the same room as her
After: Plays well with others, No longer needs mother in same room, Can initiate requests for a sleepover and have play dates
14 Year old Girl, Frozen, Psychotic, Depression
Before: Disassociative, Extremely shut down, Low initiation, Flat affect, Has shallow, superficial, strained relationships
After: Expressses thoughts and feelings, Processes info and responds to questions, Improved eye contact, Increased efforts to connect, Allows safe touch, Shows compassion and kindness, Anticipating, enjoying and asking for family, Uses her foster family’s last name.
“I can finally go to the store in ease without putting on my grocery store face and worrying
about if the social interaction will be overwhelming” ~ Adult with Autism
about if the social interaction will be overwhelming” ~ Adult with Autism